To view a list of your batches, select Batches from the left-hand menu.
What You'll See
Here you will see a list of all your batches with the following information:
- Batch # - system generated
- Tender - card, cash, check, or ACH. Transactions are divided into separate batches based on their tender type. All card transactions will be in one batch, cash in another and so on.
- Sales - the number of sale transactions within the batch
- Sale - total dollar amount of sale transactions within the batch
- Refunds - the number of refund transactions within the batch
- Refund - total dollar amount of refund transactions within the batch
- Net - total number of all transactions (both sale and refund) within the batch
- Net amount - sale dollar amount less the refund dollar amount within the batch
- Opened - date and time stamp of when the batch was opened or when the first transaction was added automatically
- Closed - date and time stamp of when the batch was closed. A batch can be manually closed by a user or automatically closed by specifying a time in payment settings
An open batch is flagged with a green icon on the right side of the batch number
Search, Filter and Export

To locate a specific batch use the search box in the upper right. To search, simply type the batch number you are looking for and hit enter.
To access the filter, select the down arrow to the right of the search box. Select the criteria you want to filter through and click Apply. Please note that these filters will only be applied if you click the green Apply button at the bottom of the display, clicking outside the box will cancel your changes.
To reset your search criteria click default and the Apply button. If you want to set your own defaults, check the boxes you would like to filter on and click Save as Default in the lower right. Now, when you come to the batches page your filter options will already be automatically applied (this can be used for any of the filters).
To the right of the filter dropdown menu, you will notice that there is also an export button that will export the current search and filter into an excel spreadsheet.
Batch View
To view more information about a specific batch, simply click on the green batch # column. Doing so will take you to the batch view in the image below.
This batch view gives you a summary of the payments within the batch as well as a full list of all transactions.

Most of the summary field is information that was already provided in the list view, however, there are some additions to this data. Here you will see the following fields:
- Sale - number of sale transactions and total dollar amount
- Refund - number of refund transactions and total dollar amount
- Tip - total tip dollar amount. This is only shown if the payment was taken on the MX Express app and a tip was applied during a card transaction
- Net - total sales dollar amount less total refunds dollar amount. Please note tips are not included in this total
- Opened - date and time stamp of when the batch was opened or when the first transaction was added automatically
- Closed - date and time stamp of when the batch was closed. A batch can be manually closed by a user or automatically closed by specifying a time in payment settings
- Closed By - if the batch was manually closed it will show you the name of the user who closed the batch manually. If you use auto close (found in payment settings) to automatically close your batch at a specific time, you will see Autoclose instead of a team members name.
- Card break down - in card batches only you will see a breakdown of the card type and their total transaction amounts to the right of the summary section.
Transaction List
This is the same layout and functionality that you saw on the payments screen. This section shows you a full breakdown of all the transactions that make up this batch. To view more information on each transaction, simply click on the green reference number. This will show you a pop-up with additional payment details.
Manually Close a Batch
To manually close a batch you must be in the batch view of an open batch. Once you are there you will see the green Close Batch button to the right of the page. Clicking that will ask for a confirmation and the batch will be closed.

Updated almost 6 years ago