Payments are all card, cash, and check transactions. Select Payments on the left-hand menu to view a list of all payments.
Please Note
The payments section of MX™ Merchant only shows payments that were processed through, MX™ Express iPhone/iPad app, and MX™ Retail iPad app. If you are using a terminal these payments can be found under the settlement report by clicking Report in the left menu then clicking Settlement.
What You'll See
Each payment displays with:
- Reference – system generated
- Transaction Type – sale, refund, or authorization
- Tender – card type icon with last four, cash, check, or ACH
- Amount – total for that transaction
- Status – approved, voided, or declined
- Authorization Code – online or offline authorization
- Invoice - if you entered a number on the invoice field section of Quick Pay it will show here, if you made a payment on an invoice the invoice number will show here, or if you have the B2B app enabled an invoice number will be system generated for you.
- Customer - if the payment was associated with a customer in Quick Pay, or if you made a payment on an invoice/contract/order that was associated with a customer it will show here.
- Source - the source column shows you how the payment was made through MX™ Merchant. The sources can be: Quick Pay, Link2Pay (and the name of the link), Invoice, Recurring, Order, MX™ Express (iPhone/iPad app), MX™ Retail (iPad app), or API.
- Date/Time – date and time stamp of when the transaction was run
- Flag - a flag denotes a payment where there was an AVS or CVV mismatch for loss prevention. This payment may require attention
Payment Status
An authorized but not settled payment. This payment can be voided.
An authorized payment that has been partially settled. (Hovering over the icon will display the authorization balance remaining).
A settled payment. This payment can be refunded.
A voided payment. No further action is available for this payment.
A declined payment. The payment was not completed due to invalid information.
Search, Filter and Export

To locate a specific payment use the search box in the upper right. To search, simply type the reference number, authorization code, Invoice number, or customer name you are looking for and hit enter.
To access the filter, select the down arrow to the right of the search box. Select the criteria you want to filter on and click Apply. Please note, these filters will only be applied if you click the green Apply button at the bottom of the display, clicking outside the box will cancel your changes.
Please note filters can be applied along with search to further narrow the payment results.
To reset your search criteria click default and the Apply button. If you want to set your own defaults check the boxes you would like to filter by, then click 'Save as Default' in the lower right. Now whenever you come to the Product page, your filter options will already be automatically applied (this can be used for any of the filters).
To the right of the filter you will notice that there is also an export button that will export the current search and filter you have set into an excel spreadsheet.
Payment Detail
To view more information about a specific payment simply click on the green text under the reference column.

Now you will see the pop-up above with the following fields:
- Payment Date - date and timestamp of transaction
- Merchant ID - system generated Id for your account
- Reference - system generated id for the payment
- Transaction Type - sale, refund, or authorization
- Amount - total of the transaction
- Tip - if added on the MX™ Express App
- Tender - card type icon with last four, cash, check, or ACH
- Status - approved, voided, or declined
- *Authorization code - unique code for the authorization
- *Authorization balance - funds available to settle from authorization
- *Authorization code expires - date when the Authorization will expire if funds have not been settled
- Source - how the payment was made through MX™ Merchant
- Team Member - the name of the user who completed the transaction
Please note detail displayed and payment actions available vary based on the type and status of the payment. These actions include:
- Void or Refund - depending on if the batch is settled or not
- *Add Sale - if funds were originally authorized on card and need to settle funds
*indicates these fields will only be shown if the transaction was taken as an authorization only.

Clicking on the blue Show Advanced text will expand the pop-up with the following fields:
- Payment ID - system generated
- Card ID - system generated token
- Batch - batch number that this transaction is associated with
- Memo / Note - optional free form notes that can be entered at time of payment
- Customer Name - if the payment was associated with a customer in Quick Pay, or if you made a payment on an invoice/contract/order that was associated with a customer it will show here. It is also a hyperlink to take you over to view the customers full record.
- Customer Number - optional field that can be entered at time of payment or automatically inserted if associated with customer record
- Reference - system generated
- Tax Exempt - yes or no depending on selection on Quick Pay or the customer profile
- Tax Amount - how much of the transaction total was tax. Please note, if nothing is entered on the payment the system will automatically take 7% for reporting purposes to help you qualify for a better rate.
History - the history section is a full list of events associated with this payment as well as the date and time stamp of when they took place. Examples: sale approval, refunds, receipts, sale complete, etc.
Loss Prevention - this section details CVV, AVS postal or AVS street matches. These are only checked if they are provided at time of payment and the results can be found here. The following are possible Loss Prevention checks: Security Code, Postal Code and Street Address.
Please Note
MX™ Merchant is able to accept credit cards not issued in the U.S. In order to accept foreign cards, a merchant will need to turn off AVS validation. If a foreign card is used in a transaction, the AVS may deny the payment even if the card is in good standing with the issuing bank. Removing AVS validation can allow the payment to go through, though, the interchange rates may not be as favorable and AVS is a valuable fraud detection tool.
Updated over 5 years ago