This is a snapshot of your business' payments for a particular time period. This snapshot can assist with identifying high and low volume time periods, marketing campaigns, and determining staffing needs. The dashboard opens with a view of the current month’s payments and customers with the option to view your preferred day, week, month, year or lifetime.
Please Note
The dashboard is only visible to admin and supervisor roles. Dashboard data is only available since the account began processing with MX™ Merchant.
Payments Graph
This graph is found in the top left quadrant of the dashboard page and displays the payment detail during the time period selected.
- Today - displays the lowest payment total of record for the current day and the current average payment total for the day on the meter. Displayed below the meter is the current day’s net payment total
- Week - displays the lowest weekly payment total of record (since account began processing with MX™ Merchant) and the average weekly payment total of record on the meter. Displayed below the meter is the current week’s net payment total.
- Month - displays the lowest monthly payment total of record (since began processing with MX™ Merchant) and the average monthly payment total of record on the meter. Displayed below the meter is the current month’s total net payment.
- Year - displays the lowest yearly total of record (since began processing with MX™ Merchant) and the average yearly payment total of record on the meter. Displayed below the meter is the current year’s net payment total.
- Lifetime - displays the lowest monthly payment total of record (since began processing with MX™ Merchant) and the average monthly payment total of record on the meter. Displayed below the meter is the net payment total for the lifetime of the account.

At the bottom of the graph shows the net amount of transactions for the time period selected, as that increases so will the green bar in the payment graph. Below the total amount, you will see the words 'Payments' and 'Settled'. Clicking on these will switch the view between all payments in MX Merchant and total settled data. Please note, if your account only processes outside of MX™ Merchant you will see the first graph shows Settled Payment numbers only.
Customer Graph
- Today - displays the lowest daily, unique customer count of record (since began processing with MX™ Merchant) and the average daily, unique customer count of record on the meter. Below the meter is the unique customer count for the day.
- Week - displays the lowest weekly, unique customer count of record (since began processing with MX™ Merchant) and the average weekly, unique customer count of record on the meter. Below the meter is the unique customer count for the week.
- Month - displays the lowest monthly, unique customer count of record (since began processing with MX™ Merchant) and the average monthly, unique customer count of record on the meter. Below the meter is the unique customer count for the current month.
- Year - displays the lowest yearly, unique customer count of record (since began processing with MX™ Merchant) and the average yearly, unique customer count of record on the meter. Below the meter is the unique customer count for the current year.
- Lifetime - displays the lowest monthly, unique customer count of record (since began processing with MX™ Merchant) and the average yearly, unique customer count of record on the meter. Below the meter is the unique customer count for the current year.

Activity Graph
In addition to the separate payment and customer graphs, the dashboard provides a combined payment and customer graph. The default graph shows payments only. Select customers in the legend to add customers to the graph. This graph can be organized by day, week, month or year by clicking the drop down between the payment and customer graph. When you hover over the graph a grey box appears displaying the time, total net amount of payments and number of customers for that given time.
- Today - displays the number of unique customers and payments by the hour for the current day.
- Week - displays the number of unique customers and payments by day for the current week.
- Month - displays the number of unique customers and payments by day for the current month.
- Year - displays the number of unique customers and payments by month for the current year.
- Lifetime - displays the number of unique customers and payments by month for the entire lifetime of the account.

Customer Composition Graph
In the settings you have the option to update the spend profiles for your customers. Depending on the profiles you set this graph displays how many customers fell into the spend profiles. When setting up your account there are default spend profiles. For more information on spend profiles refer to the settings section of this document.

Updated about 6 years ago